Accretion - Corner Detail
Accretion - Corner piece
Amor Sempiternus 1
Amor Sempiternus 1 - Detail
Amor Sempiternus 2
Amor Sempiternus 2 - Detail
Emerge Brooch Panel
Panel 1
Spur Brooch Panel
Spur Brooch - Detail
Panel 5
Rust Bloom and Brooch
Rust Bloom and Brooch
Rust Bloom Brooch
Accretio Cordis
Accretio Cordis - Detail
Cochleae Cordis
Cochleae - Reverse
Cochleae Cordis - Detail
Charred Brooch/Object
Charred Brooch/Object - Detail
Accretion - Corner Detail
Accretion - Corner Detail

Objects, paintings and jewelry

Accretion - Corner piece
Accretion - Corner piece

Antique giltwood, gesso, bone, antler, shell, coral, gold leaf
8 feet tall as shown

Amor Sempiternus 1
Amor Sempiternus 1

Encaustic, iron oxide, rust, lead, mild steel, antique lens, sewing needles
9 x 14 x 3 inches


Objects, paintings and jewelry

Amor Sempiternus 1 - Detail
Amor Sempiternus 1 - Detail
Amor Sempiternus 2
Amor Sempiternus 2

Encaustic, iron oxide, rust, lead, mild steel, druzy quartz, antique lens, sewing needle
13 x 13 x 3.5 inches

Amor Sempiternus 2 - Detail
Amor Sempiternus 2 - Detail
Emerge Brooch Panel
Emerge Brooch Panel

Vintage wallpaper pattern in encaustic, mild steel; brooch with bone, resin, rust, laser engraved sterling silver
12 x 12 x 4 inches

Panel 1
Panel 1


Spur Brooch Panel
Spur Brooch Panel

Encaustic on cradled panel with wood, bone, frame fragments, gesso, gold leaf, palladium
Brooch: Paladium, 18K, pearls, moonstones

Spur Brooch - Detail
Spur Brooch - Detail

Encaustic in panel, found objects
12 x 12 x 5 inches


Panel 5
Panel 5

Encaustic, found objects, bone, pearls, resin
7 5/8 x 6 3/8 x 3 inches

Rust Bloom and Brooch
Rust Bloom and Brooch

Encaustic, mild steel, bone, sewing needles
Brooch: Bone, wood, steel

Rust Bloom and Brooch
Rust Bloom and Brooch

Encaustic, mild steel, bone, sewing needles
Brooch: Bone, wood, steel
16 x 12 x 6 inches

Rust Bloom Brooch
Rust Bloom Brooch

Bone, mild steel, wood

Accretio Cordis
Accretio Cordis

Bone, antique frame fragments, 23K gold leaf, 24K, 22K, 18K golds

Accretio Cordis - Detail
Accretio Cordis - Detail
Cochleae Cordis
Cochleae Cordis

Bone, antler, shells, resin, spessartite garnets, spinel, south sea, Freshwater and Tahitian pearls, 22K gold, 18K rose and yellow gold, Palladium, iron oxide

Cochleae - Reverse
Cochleae - Reverse

Laser etched vintage nautical map of Cape Cod

Cochleae Cordis - Detail
Cochleae Cordis - Detail
Charred Brooch/Object
Charred Brooch/Object

Bone, Tahitian pearls, sewing needles, resin

Charred Brooch/Object - Detail
Charred Brooch/Object - Detail